me: mom what is that noise
mom: well let me just tell you something
me: mom is that a kitty cat i hear, MOM IS IT COMING FROM THE LAUNDRY ROOM(this is ME pissed off)
mom: well this morning I saw a man dump the cat on the side of the road
me: jeese
mom: and i figured we could take it and get it spade and give it its shots
me: mom that is going to cost 300 dollars and I am not spending 300 dollars ...you take it home with you I do not want it.
mom: lets just take it to the vet
me: fine
So we take it to the vet get it screened for feline aids and all that other shit stray animals have. Turns out the cat is fine and I have to take it back in 4 months to get it spade!!!! Nice the last thing I need is another cat underneath my house....Oh yeah and by the way the cats has worms...I am not touching it.
who is "jesse"...or did you mean "geez"?
feline aids is like hunam aids yet it is a virus found in cats, transmitted sexually, throught claw scratch's, and well as cats biting each other.
so, cat's have rough sex and that's how they get aids?
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