Well, in a couple of weeks I am going to loose complete control of the television. DO YOU KNOW WHY? It is football season my favorite time of the year. I love it when the television is as loud as it can go, and every single night a football game is on.....not to mention if you want to see a rerun of a game there is ESPN classics and you can watch all the foot ball you want (even if you have seen it 5,000 times). So to you football fans out there I am happy for you however, as you can tell from my sarcasm I am not to happy about it. I have always heard of wives loosing their husbands to a certain season weather it be baseball, basketball, hockey or tiddly winks I never understood until I married the foot ball season king Billy!!!!
Just to let you know I am not complaining because he does not complain when the fashion seasons change, and how I want the latest shoes, bag, or jeans and I spend all my time on the computer trying to find the best bag, the best shoes and the best (make you look skinny jeans)....Yet, I am annoyed only because I hate when the TV is really loud and I can not watch the Food Network...
do you know who that handsome guy is up there, that is my hubby......yes I am that girl that just put an old football picture of my husband on my blog!!!
can't wait for the bills to open the season. molly is even going to come with me when the bills make a rare trip to st louis in week 4.
sumeet Billy and his dad love the bills I guess it is because billy's dad is from buffalo....as for molly going to a football game that is awesome did not know she watched the stuff...
she hates football. i went to game with her when we started dating and i thought she was all into it for almost three quarters. then, there was this crucial third down play and i realized she had no clue about the rules because she commented on why everyone was standing up in the middle of the game for no reason.
Things to do while Billy is "in the zone"
1. cook for him while watching food network (since that is what you should be doing anyways)
2. knit sweaters for Kitty and Phyllis
3. Knit sweaters for Larry and Phyllis
4. drink beer and give yourself a pedicure with the pope's blessing
5. buy more shoes
Sumeet, I don't think that you should use Bern's blog as an outlet to make fun of me.
Bern, nice post. I know you've said that Billy was some sort of big football star, but before this post, I had never seen the proof.
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