I think Phyllis (the kitty cat) has either run away or has been smashed by a car. I think she has been smashed by a car. Phyllis likes to climb up into my car; so the other day, I went to wal mart I think my engine may have torn her little body into little shreds of kitty catness!!!! I am a little sad however, I know Phyllis is in kitty cat heaven watching over me! So think of Phyllis today the cute little kitty cat that I mauled with my automobile.
I am speechless.
"I think my engine tore her little body to shreds."
The visual of this image will stay with me forever.
Did you find cat parts on your driveway?
At least it was a cat. Maybe you need to tell this story to your bus stop kids, that will straighten them up.
speaking of my bus stop kids...i called the school and they no longer use my drive way as a bus stop! The school may think I am a bitch (which I am I am not going to deny it) I do not care those kids are gone!!! Yeah!!!
did you open the hood? if your cat got shredded the parts will be all over the inside and soon start to stink.
i got home early today and kentucky football was on espn classic. i thought of you two, but not phyllis
billy, we need one more team for our league, draft was postponed until tomorrow 9:30pm CDT. if you're interested, league name washubonedocs, league ID# 246062, password bones. $20 to get in.
what site are you using?
yahoo, sorry, you can compete against a bunch of orthopedic residents
It wants league id, which I have, but I dont have the password? It doesnt ask for league name. Sounds like fun!
password: bones
Meep Meep~
Please stop this madness. Now we're talking about fantasy draft on the blog when really we should be talking about the cat you murdered!
Hey Molly, do you want to join my fantasy designer shopping league? I have Prada going all the way this season. Their game has never been sweeter. They even played injured, and you know how cruel those sewing accidents can be.
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