Oh how I love Britany Spears. I love (love is a strong word lets change it to like) I like her music especially because she became really popular about the time I was in collage (those were the days). Anywhoo to my point: why is everyone talking about her, why does everyone say we are thinking of her, I hope she gets better oh her poor kids!!! Her poor kids are rich, and I think her "attitude and so called illness" is a ploy if you ask me so she can stay in the "papers" while she is not making any music or performing. Anyway I still like ya Britt and I still will dance to your music (only if intoxicated)!! Maybe Americans can just talk about something else like the 2008 election or energy or flowers or better yet me!!! It is really sad when Fox News talks about Brittany, the only news left that does not tap into Hollywood (at least so far) is NPR so I guess that is what I am going to have to listen to for now on.
i didn't know you were in a collage? where was it displayed?
thoughts on mccain moving up on the polls: not sure if I trust the polls I mean who are they polling anyway they did not poll me!!! Did they poll you? as for your comment on china: they are industrious (a lot of my clothes say made in china) yet what are they paying those people....the same that they are paying their doctors....why because they are communist....they belive in a classless society. so all those years you spent in med school and residency, would you like to make the same amount of money as someone who did not go to college and is now smoking their bong and working at mcidee's (complete dramatization I might add)!!! As for the last sentence "where was it displayed?" I am confused what does that mean???
col·lage Audio Help [kuh-lahzh, koh-] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation noun, verb, -laged, -lag·ing.
1. a technique of composing a work of art by pasting on a single surface various materials not normally associated with one another, as newspaper clippings, parts of photographs, theater tickets, and fragments of an envelope.
oh i get it you are making fun of my spelling!!!! good one
Be careful Summeet your wife also has SLU degree. She may take offense to you making fun of her COLLAGE!
Bernie...All the kiddos were moving into SLU this weekend! Makes me want to relive the Reinert days!
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