Yes, I know I still mooch off the rents. However I am sure you would too if you did not have a car payment. So I usually get some base line Taurus, windstar (i do not think they call it that any more), or explorer (after gas went though the roof I said please no more explorer).
Yet this time when I go home I will get a kick ass mkx (so my dad says). So will you think I am cool driving down the road listing to my snoop doggy doggy (yes the cd from 1994)!!! You may not think I am cool but I will...there is nothing more cool that a 30 year old driving down the road in her mkx listing to snoop, or npr!!!!
Bern, I'm really sorry that I got mad at you the other day for calling me at 9pm when I was mid-study session. I'm sorry you called me the night before a big test when I specifically told you that I couldn't talk to anyone until after 8-28. I'm sorry that you called to tell me that 1. weeds was on ( a show I don't watch) and 2. that Billy needed some sort of fantasy football password.
Anyhoo, yeah you're parents usually give you a "base" model. HMMM is a volvo a base model? Is a caddy a base model? Those are the two cars I remember you last having. Well, I'm sure glad you're getting a new fancy SUV to 1. drive around town all day burning gas while you run your little errands and 2. so you can kill another harmless animal because you're too busy rapping to gin n' juice.
Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed again? Caddy molly I have never driven a caddy...but that would be halarious if i drove one maybe I should get an oldsmobile too while i am at it!!!
love and kiss's
miss you tons muffin cakes and your pleasant demeanor
Don't believe her folks. I have NEVER seem Bern drive a Taurus let alone a Focus (my personal car of choice). Sorry Bern, you can't play the 'whoa is me' card when your cars are always kick ass.
This one is extrememly kick ass. Bravo. When did Lincolns get so hot? Are we that old?
Just an FYI: my carbon footprint is 7.1 tons and annual fuel cost is $2100 for my 30 mpg Focus. Your carbon footprint is 10.2 tons and annual fuel cost is $3119 for your 18 mpg SUV. I think you need a kick ass Focus.
I love love love the focus...larry stovepipe will not let me have one. any time a car is selling like hotcakes i do not get one because that would take moola out of his pocket....and i did have a taurus when i was 16 and then again when i was 24 it was awesome!!!
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