OK I must admit I loved NKOTB (new kids on the block). I had pictures of Joey all over my room. So would you not think that I would be so excited now that they are back. Well, AH, NO!!!! It is so funny to see their new video these guys are my age and older, you do not have fun in the summer time anymore(fun in the summer time is the name of the song and skank ass girls are dancing in swimsuits). You work and have pasty white skin because you do not see the sun anymore and for sure you are not dancing in your swim suit maybe dancing in your tank-ini but not a Brazilian. So why is it funny? Because we are a generation that does not listen to "boy bands" any more(and those 11 year old girls that do listen to boy bands do not want to see a 40 year old man loosing his hair)!!! Sorry NKOTB maybe you should go to China they are about 10 years behind us anyway you might find a market there......just watch out they are little inhumane over there, China's air quality is worse than ours and recycle, they do not even know what the word means. Oh yeah and do not get me started on how they treat their people.
i am making fun of china yet i will make sure my kids speak Chinese because it is a "new" market for us to enter and maybe my kids will be rich and smart and then they can pay for my retirement home!!!
very harsh and cruel words for our olympic hosts. they've got eyes everywhere.
i was not being harsh at all, china is growing and they love america so all i was saying was maybe new kids on the block could sell albums over there. As for communism I belive that is a little harsh.....and is China not a communist country? Anyhoo as for the olympics i think they have done a kick ass job better than any country that has ever held the onlympics, howerver I wish they would try that hard helping their people and maybe making sure everyone has a tooth brush so their teeth do not fall out...even better how about some tolit paper or even some food!!!!
By the way tanks for reading my blog and posting coments I think you molly and anna are the only ones that read it....by the way did Hanna Montana call you?????
i think hannah montana called molly. the chinese are an industrious people, deserving of our respect.
toilet paper is a luxury, most of the world does just fine without it.
mccain just moved ahead of obama in the polls, thoughts?
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