So one of the most brilliant business men of our time has done something very interesting. You know since all of the stogy business men out there (at least the ones I know not counting lawyers) are Republicans. Warren Buffet is supporting Barack Obama!!!! I find this very interesting, yet Warren did not state why he was supporting Barack he just said he is the best candidate for America. HMMMMM!!!! I do not know about that Warren, a basic econ class would tell you that you can not tax people when they are in an economic slump they need all the moola they can get your hands on. However your reasons maybe be better than mine because all I do is read fashion magazines and play on the Internet while I am sure you read the Omaha Times, New York Time, Wall Street Jrl and Washington Post......I bet you read my blog too and you are the anonymous one that makes fun of me!!!
Other Barack supporters:
Paula Crown of Chicago's $4.1 billion Henry Crown family; Mark Gallogly, founder of Centerbridge Capital Partner; Penny Prtizker, chairman of ClassicResidence by Hyatt; Dreamworks cofounders Jeffrey Katzenberg and David Geffen; and Oprah Winfrey
If I was an extremely rich white man I would vote for McCain too, but I'm not and I am never going to be and frankly, I don't want them to get any richer. They have plenty. Let's help some other people.
Warren Buffet also supported the AB purchase. I understand his motives from a business perspective, but from an emotional perspective, he's not my favorite person right now. At least he may vote the right way.
I strive to be an extremely rich white man!!! I am not yet, but I am still going to vote for McCain!!!
If we make the rich give their money to the poor, soon the poor will be giving that money right back to the rich. That is just the way it goes!!! They will be shopping in Warren's stores and buying his goods and services. Once he has bilked all of their money we will need redistribute the wealth once again just for fun!!!!
But life is not fair and the rich should get to keep what they have created!!!!
Billy "the want to be rich" Haskins
Warren Buffett is crazy. If Obama wins he'll pay millions more in taxes. Nice pick up Bernadette, because that makes no sense.
Anna seems quite vindictive, what's the problem with people being smart, working hard, and earning money. What do you have against them? Why shouldn't people be rewarded for their work?
Also -- selling AB was absolutely the right thing to do. It was completely inane these people holding rallies to protest. AB didn't perform, pure and simple. Someone wants to take a crack at it to try and do better, go for it. And while you're at it, AB shareholders got more value for their shares with this sale than they ever would have with the previous owners who had done NOTHING with the share value in the past few years.
McCain finally moved past Obama in the polls and I expect he'll continue to gain ground after the GOP convention. Don't hold your breath for an Obama win.
Settle down kids. I'm not here to write about politics. Though it looks like local non-profits will benefit from the A-B sale. It looks like the local non-profits will benefit if shareholders want to give away some of their stock to avoid the tax penalties.
Bern. Next time can you please avoid politics on your blog?
Bern, do you remember Dr. Kwon (stats). He's in charge of the supply chain at SLU and I just finished class with him. Do you know what I learned from him? Alabama is the new China. Seriously. All these businesses are moving to AL!
yes i have heard that, a lot of business are moving here (they go to montgomery and Birmingham you know places with roads...you may think that is funny but look at a map you will see the infostructure of AL is very bad). The governor is doing a very good job. These companies that come here they like what they pay people, they like how cheap land is, they like how cheap it is to build, and they like no union.....what they do not like is they have realized a lot of the people are not qualified to do the job.... So now Alabama needs to pick up their Education however that should come. Enterprise just got a korean parts plantabout 4 years ago it was a really big deal!!!!
the city of birmingham al is going to be bankrupt because of the crooked politics going on their...their mayor i think is going to JAIL
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