Now, I am sue you have heard me speak of the annoying, out of control, brats that now have made my side driveway their bus stop. So the first annoying thing they do is....RING MY DOORBELL IN THE MORNING. Yet, today they were out of control. The kids were running thought my back yard, rolling under Billy's car playing tag, running under my carport into the street, and running across the street acting like crazy animals. So I called the school system to tell on them.....Do you know what the guy said I should do is put a table out there and serve them breakfast!!!! I paused and paused and paused ...... is this guy serious or joking? First of all the kids should have already have had their breakfast that is their parents job not mine. Second of all no way if I would go out there with those kids I would probably get lice or something!!!!!
Bern, do you think all children have lice? Rude.
I have an idea of what would keep those kids away. Why don't you play some of that Shania Twain that you used to play in the apartment that would wake me up at 5.30 am!!!!
first of all I am sure it was not 530 it was probably 8 and as for those children you should see them they probably have lice, ring worm, and any other fungus bug or virus that can grow on them.
i heard kids like to play red rover. why don't you play with them?
I think you should give them a rake and a lawn mower and tell them that they need to earn their keep to stand on your lawn.
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