I thought Biden did not think Obama was ready to become president. I guess now that he is asked to be vice president he has changed his mind!!!!
Here is some info I found, can also find Biden on u tube stating this:
Sen. Joe Biden (D-DE) Reaffirmed That Obama Was Not Ready To Be Commander In Chief. ABC's George Stephanopoulos: "You were asked is he ready. You said 'I think he can be ready, but right now I don't believe he is. The presidency is not something that lends itself to on-the-job training.'" Sen. Biden: "I think that I stand by the statement." (ABC's "This Week," 8/19/07)Sen. Biden: "Having talking points on foreign policy doesn't get you there." ("Biden Lashes Out At Obama," ABC News' "Political Radar" Blog, blogs.abcnews.com, 8/2/07)
Bern, did you see how Biden lost his wife and baby girl years ago. that's really sad.
Nice post Bern -- keep up the political insights. How ridiculous that Biden is with Obama when he doesn't even think Obama is qualified for the job. Choosing someone like that is another sign that Obama is not president material.
Are you being sarcastic? Before you and Molly got married I asked her if you were a democrat or republican and she said democrate.... At least that is what I thought she said maybe I was not listing. Anyhoo that is not why I am responding to your political coments because I feel like it is a trap and then I would not be able to get myself out!!! I would be like that poor little mouse going for the cheese and then BAM my head is chopped off by the trap.
this is not a trap. i am a democrat, but, mccain is MUCH friendlier to my profession than democrats (democrats are tied to the hip with trial lawyers and are against malpractice reform) and obama's tax plan is not friendly to my future earnings. socially i line with democrats, but personal issues in terms of my career outweigh that in this election. i need to be able to pay for my kids collage.
Collages aren't that expensive. There is photographer here that works out of his garage that could do a nice collage for around $75!!!
dont forget about Willie Parker. He is back healthy from his broken leg and he was leading the NFL in rushing last season until he broke his leg in December!!!
parker oddly had few touchdowns last year, not sure how much they're gonna split carries between him and mendenhall
Umm.. I really don't like how this blog is turning into a football/politics blog. Meep Meep I really think you need to take over this blog before the boys ruin it!
Thanks for the insight on politics and the medical field. You always hear healthcare reform and things like that, but I haven't heard too much about malpractice. This is interesting. Makes me think a little more about my choices.
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