Oh yes and when I say elated I am being sarcastic.
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Friday, December 26, 2008

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Friday, December 19, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Sunday, December 14, 2008
That being said: why not the same for your Doctor. For example I would like the following for labor and delivery.
1.) no epidural
2.) no pitocin
3.) iv only if medically necessary
4.) intermittent fetal monitoring (not a big ass strap around my big ass belly that keeps me bound to the bed i may need to walk or p and you are for sure not putting a catheter in me i would rather have my baby in the woods)
Now these items are up for discussion I am not set on them and I am sure there are good reasons for using them. However, I do want options and I do want a decision made because we discussed it, not because "that is the way you do it and and that is the way it will always be done." I did not know I lived in the 1930's and I had no voice.
So for all you obgyn's out there when a women first comes to you and says she has a baby in her "baby box" the first thing you should tell her is your policy and the things you are not willing to negotiate on so she knows before she is in her 3rd trimester. By the way ladies 3rd trimester is to late to switch docs.....well maybe not to late but very hard to do (i know i am trying to do it now). Oh yeah and if your patient tells you she is going to do the "Bradley Method" in week 16 and then in week 28 you tell her you will not be able to comply with the practices of the Bradley method, that is not fair either you should of told her at week 16 when she informed you...............OR WERE YOU EVEN LISTENING BECAUSE YOU RUN PATIENTS IN AND OUT OF YOUR OFFICE LIKE THEY ARE CATTLE!!!!!
Friday, December 12, 2008

Now do not get me wrong I do not come from a city that has massive transit nor do people walk to work. Howeve,r when they walk I know pedestrians have the right away especialy when the cross says walk.
So why then is it so hard for the drivers of Enterprise to realize that pedestrians have the right away. These drivers do not even look they just drive (and by the way I am not hard to miss right now).
So just a reminder be careful and mindful of the pedestrian be happy they are walking and not laying on their lazy ass or burning up fuel in their car. Oh yes beware of the "jay-walker" because they do not follow the rules so I do not feel sorry for them they better look both ways.
Thursday, December 11, 2008

Monday, December 8, 2008

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Friday, December 5, 2008

the picture of Mother Teresa is a complete joke I know I am no Mother Teresa so I just want to stop all the comments right there.
Thursday, December 4, 2008

By the way Barneys also has kick ass window displays during Christmas, above is a Christmas window.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

When I was in STL I bought my first frig. It was not a fancy frig it was the cheapest frig at home depot. However, I did not have one problem with this trusty cheap frig.
Now I have a fancy frig and it sucks and the company that made it sucks!!!! Why, it is -47 in the freezer and it is constantly running (so my power bill is high). I call GE and they tell me I am out of warranty...Fine I do not care I will pay to have it fixed just tell me someone who can fix it....Oh they can not help me I am out of warranty (and no one in my area services GE monogram the company that used to service it no longer comes to Enterprise)!!!!! Well guess what GE you lost a customer I will never by a GE product again. My next house will have Viking and Sub Zero (or better yet the cheapest appliances at home depot) no wonder your stock sucks and your company is about to go under your customer service is deplorable and you do not have repeat buyers!!!!!! DUH!!!!
Monday, December 1, 2008

Friday, November 28, 2008

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
So how far does one go in deciding a name for a human being that you have not met yet? Are Winnoc, Verona, Vibian, Thea, Syrus, Sola, or Serafina crazy (these are just some of the many I am contemplating I did not feel like typing them all out and by the way i have not run them by Billy yet either so I am sure a lot of them will be nixed)?
I guess I will find out when my kid comes home from kindergarten saying Tommy (by the way not Thomas because people name their kids nick names down here) said "his mommy told him that my name was weird because we are the Yankees from the north."
By the way I guess the names I picked out are unusual because spell check thought they were all spelled wrong and they are spelled right i promise I got them straight off the saints website.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sunday, November 9, 2008
Well first of all this is a picture of a picture so not to clear. However, to me it looks like you are looking up someones nose. Yet, to the smart people out there it looks like you are looking into someones shoulder, go figure. Just to let you know the last picture is what Billy turns into at night.
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Monday, November 3, 2008

Saturday, November 1, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Billy: Hey Bern some girl asked me to be my friend on face book, I do not know who she is she graduated in 2007 from UK.
Bern: nice
Billy: she was in her swimsuit
Bern: what....did you accept her as a "friend"
Billy: yeah
Bern: you are an idiot....why did you do that she is 10 years younger than you she just wanted you to see her in her swim suit...you are an idiot!!!
Billy: she may know me
Bern: I don't care
Billy: she lives in Seattle she may know me I want to figure out who it is
Bern: RIGHT!!! You are an idiot whatever ...how did you sleep last night, I slept like shit....oh yeah you are an idiot.
By the way in case you care above is a pic of Billy's new friends. I may become friends with the entire football team at UK just to make it even.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Sunday, October 19, 2008

I was wondering is it really that hard to put your shopping cart away? I went to Wal Mart today ( the place I hate with a passion however sometimes i am forced to go), and I watched three people just roll their cart into a parking spot. Why this erks me!!!!
1.) pure laziness: come on people it is like an extra 10 steps to put it away.
2.) safety: that cart could roll and hit a car or roll and hit a child, or better yet roll and hit the lazy ass person that left it there.
3.) employees: on a day like Sunday it would be best if you could help the employees, they are very busy so be a respectful customer and put your shit where it belongs.
The lady that pissed me off the most as she was getting into her black celica, she left her cart right in between her parking space and another when the cart rack was approx 6 spaces over. I feel this is a representation of how she lives her entire life ..... lazy and half ass!!!!
Please no comments on how negative I am, I am quite aware of my bitchyness you do not have to tell me!!!
Friday, October 17, 2008

Thursday, October 16, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
D Daniel Dorkington
My brother Daniel thinks he is pretty cool. His many talents include talking very loud, drinking excessively as well as loosing at tennis to ME!!!!! Did I mention his girlfriend Randi can beat him at tennis as well.
However Daniel's talent of talking, talking, talking, talking and oh yeah talking (sometime rudely, loudly and annoyingly) has produced a decent television spokes person for the store he runs in Nashville. So go buy a car from him today!!!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Saturday, October 11, 2008
5:00 a.m.
Person at the door: Hey man don't attack me but I am out of gas and my baby and wife are in the car down the street and we need to get to Elba (yeah your early 5 a.m. Sat. appointment you need to get to I am thinking to myself)......pause......oh and hey man I can not go to the police station because my tags are expired.
Billy: Sorry man we can not help you
Person: Oh man I really need to get home can you please help out
Billy: no man it is early .... (billy is slowly shutting the door)
Person: Oh man I really need some help
Me: (the helpful person I am) go to the Christian Mission it is two blocks away they open at 7.
Person: they are not open today
Me: (OK now I am super duper pissed because they are open, I drop shit off there all the time on Sat.) Bull Shit asshole they are open they open at 7 and get the F_ck off my front porch it is 5 F_cking o'clock in the morning and I am F_cking pregnant and I do not need this sh_t, get the F_ck out of here and do not come back.
Person: leaving
So now Billy decides to go to work at 5:30 on Sat. morning since that asshole woke us up. He sees "person" going to our neighbors. Now a police man drives by and Billy stops the police man and explains the situation. Police man says he will take care of it. 5 minutes later "person" drives away in his Lexus with out his wife and child and with out expired tags (I guess he kicked his wife and child out of the car and changed his plates real quick). It is 7 hours later and I am still pissed off.
The next person that comes to my door asking for money I may attack them with my baseball bat! I bet I would make the local news....Headlines: Yankee goes crazy at poor defenseless homeless person (more like homeless crack head).
Friday, October 10, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008

I love the Neiman Marcus Christmas book. Not because the pictures are awesome, not because the clothes are kick ass, not because the accessories call my name but because of the extravagant luxury gifts. They seem to get cooler and cooler every year. Usually they are cars (like in 2000 it was the T Bird...you know the car Ford makes).
This year it is a "movable building," I have cut and pasted what Neiman says about it and if you would like just go to Neiman Marcus . com and check out the Christmas book on line to see all of the cool ass expensive shit.
M-Velope® Transformable Structure
What if your workshop was a convertible? What if you could move your yoga studio walls as easily as you roll up your mat? What if you could rebuild, rearrange, and reassemble your garden retreat as quickly as you rearrange furniture? Step inside our M-Velope and you can! It's a massively cool 15-foot high by 14-foot wide by 17-foot deep creation of functional art built with a steel frame. All its hinged wood panel frames open, move, and close at your whim. Michael Jantzen, an internationally famous architectural pioneer/artist, thought it up and he is crafting just 10 structures for us exclusively. He's a leader in rethinking how we live, and he's been green since '71. He builds each M-Velope with new Accoya® wood products that are durable and completely sustainable. Call 1.877.9NM.GIFT for details on your amazing, adaptable, awe-inspiring personal space/transformable work of art.
Oh yeah and yesterday there was a tornado in E town once again whent right by my house did not have power all day and all night...... Do I live in Kansas or something.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Monday, October 6, 2008

Thursday, October 2, 2008
Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

This movie was very "dry" however sometimes that is a little refreshing when it comes to a comedy. I am getting sick of the farting, the gross sex scenes, the slap happy humor that seems to be in the theaters these days.
Oh yeah and by the way I would not classify this movie as a comedy, I really do not know what to call it. However, I do recommend watching it.....If you have Direct TV it is on PPV.
Oh yeah did I mention I love SJP she is super cool!!!
Monday, September 29, 2008

So if I said to you "hey person I want you to buy company X for 100 dollars and sell company X for 50 dollars." I would hope you would say to me NO WAY BERNIE BUTT (Bernie Butt is what my aunt Shelia calls me) you are an idiot I would loose 50 bucks!!!!
So if you had a great deal in front of your face for example buying companies super duper cheap I mean pennies on the dollar would you do it? I would however, I do not have the kind of dollars that can purchase billion dollar companies (maybe Billy could up my allotment to oh, lets say 500,000 a week).
So my point I am trying to make, come on you weak congress men get your shit together and pass that Pelosi plan PLEASE!!! In about five ten years you are going to make a killing off of the deal. Why... banks will shape up (if you give the assholes some rules to follow) why will banks shape up? Well I do not know about you but when Billy and I bought our house we did not have cash we had to get a loan, and when a company wants to expand they usually do not have the cash either so they need loans, those kids that do not have 20k a year still need to go to college. Loans are like food we need them to survive.
By the way I am pro Republican but you guys up there in Washington are acting like idiots please oh please put the "race" aside and make a decision....I do not know about you but I would rather do what is RIGHT than worry about the election. Oh yeah, the Alabama Congressman is no exception I guess that is what you get when a Bible thump er (his plat form when he was running for office was something about the 10 commandments it was so annoying) is your congressman the asshole probably only knows about football and bible verses and has never take a finance class in his life!!!!
Saturday, September 27, 2008