Billy: Hey Bern some girl asked me to be my friend on face book, I do not know who she is she graduated in 2007 from UK.
Bern: nice
Billy: she was in her swimsuit
Bern: what....did you accept her as a "friend"
Billy: yeah
Bern: you are an idiot....why did you do that she is 10 years younger than you she just wanted you to see her in her swim suit...you are an idiot!!!
Billy: she may know me
Bern: I don't care
Billy: she lives in Seattle she may know me I want to figure out who it is
Bern: RIGHT!!! You are an idiot whatever ...how did you sleep last night, I slept like shit....oh yeah you are an idiot.
By the way in case you care above is a pic of Billy's new friends. I may become friends with the entire football team at UK just to make it even.
the perks and curse of being a football legend.
oh molly how sweet however i do not belive you they have flat tummies and youth on their side. However I bet I am a lot meaner then they are!!!
they don't look like they have rage problems. did billy see the old UK linebacker who's now a referee tackle that poor football player in a game?
Sumeet, Is it ok to have female friends? It would be mean to say NO...I DONT WANT TO BE YOUR FRIEND! I didnt want to hurt their feelings. I am not a mean person....unlike my wife! If they saw my fantasy football record they would not want to be my friend!!! Yeah I saw the Ref ... he played at UK.
Yeah bern, what's your deal with people of different sex not being friends. You made a snarky comment about me hanging out with my friend Matt. You need to relax
Thank you Molly. I wonder if Bernadette will allow you and me to be friends????
i don't have a problem if molly and billy become friends.
This is the life of a celebrity's wife. It is a hard and tough road. But think of all the glamour that goes with it.
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