Well it is time to roll out the panettone...........YUM YUM YUMMY!!!!!
Panettone is this awesome bread (yes bread not cookies not cake bread) made with raisins some kind of orange crap and other specks of sparkly goodness (there may be alcohol not sure). I love this stuff it comes plain, with icing (my fave), and now I am seeing chocolate, coffee and other yummy flavors (only Italians could come up with).
So break out the box, yes I said box this treat always comes in a box and toast a slice with your morning Joe.... By the way this stuff ain't cheap a really big one I mean really big probably 12 to 20 slices depending on how you slice it will run you about 37 dollars so hope someone sends it as a gift.......Or better yet wait until after Christmas and they are usually are on sale.
Bern, it just looks like a glorified fruitcake to me. Why waste the money?!
seen at whole foods for $10.99
Sumeet, I think you meant to say, "Saw it at whole foods".
bern you probably should not correct a Harvard graduates grammar!!! I am sure it has been seen at whole foods!!!
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