Well it looks as if the American Automobile industry is going to get the money they need to stay a float. Now do not get me wrong I do not like to see money given away maybe bankruptcy would be the best thing for them. However, it would not be the best thing for the United States. If they do not get the money so many people would loose their jobs I could not even begin to count. So many other business would have to file bankruptcy themselves because of the auto manufactures (think how much money they owe other business from advertising to parts to distribution)......did you know 1 out of every 3 jobs is effected by the automobile industry!!!!!
So that being said remember folks the next time you buy an automobile think American first I am not saying you have to, just give them a chance, just test drive one. My husband has had his expedition for 5 years now and we plan to keep it another 5 more it will have any where from 150,000 miles to 190,000 miles on it hen we trade it in and I am sure someone will be able to use it after us!!!!!
Maybe if American-made cars were made better, I would not have to resort to purchasing a foreign-made car.
My American-made Mazda died on me no less than 7 times and the dealership never could quite figure out what was wrong. It was a nightmare.
With today's global economy though, is anything really fully American-made? Did you know that the Boeing 787 is made up of parts from over 20 different countries, then is all assembled in the US?
Food for thought. Molly
Bern. you are allowed to call me. but In 14 hours I'll be in Mexico.
buy japanese.
bankruptcy is best, they should make better cars and be more efficient. why do we keep rewarding failing companies????
bail me out -- i'm successful!
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