Now do not get me wrong I have smoked in my life. I am not condeming smokers, I just have an interesting observation.
Once in a while when I am on my walks, I walk by the Hospital here in E town (by the way if anything ever happens to me do not let my husband take me there I would like to be taken to the hospital in dothan please). There are always nurses (I do not think I have ever seen a Dr.) outside smoking. I mean come on you see sick people all day long and you see the problems smoking causes first hand and you still continue to smoke!!! I find this very odd.
I also think it is gross if I am going into the Hospital to visit someone and all these people are outside and I have to walk through the cloud of cancer to get through the door. Please stop smoking my dad did and if he can anyone can quit. Oh yeah it is my dad's b-day I better call him.
you'd probably want to smoke all day if you had to deal with doctors too.
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