Now do not get me wrong I like gift cards mainly because I have a tendency to only like what I pick out!!!! So you may say why are you mad at the gift cards Bern? Well this is why.
Back in 1997 (wow more that 10 years ago) I took a basic marketing class and one of the things I learned was a way for Company's to make money were gift cards and rebates. Rebates because people forget to send them in (by the way I will send the rebate in even it is .50 dollars because I want to prove a point (I am really not making any money because the price of stamps). Also gift cards they make money because they plan on you not using the entire value, they plan on you loosing them, and they make sure they expire in 12 months. Awesome, well I got a new one for you.
I just received a Wal Mart Visa Debit: OK, here is the catch I can use it any where I want. However, I can not use it where pin is required (good one who thought of that)....HMMMM well where can I use a debit that does not require a pin......um NOWHERE FUCK HEADS!!!!!! So I call Wal Mart and wanted to make sure I am understanding this correctly..... So I call, oh yeah if I want to talk to some one personally there is a fee of 5 dollars a minute (that was a good one to lets just stick it to the customer why don't we) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WELL F YOU WAL MART I HATE YOU ANYWAY I WILL FIGURE OUT HOW TO USE THIS CARD AND GET EVERY PENNY OFF OF IT AND NEVER SHOP IN YOUR STINKY, SMELLY, NASTY, POOR WHITE TRASH STORE EVER AGAIN!!!!!!!
I am still a little unclear on the details, but this may help...
My debit card charges me a quarter every time I put in a pin. (Thanks to Wal-Mart, my bank had to adopt this policy). So everyone is thinking, bummer. Not so fast, I just skip the pin and make it run as a charge not a debit. It works the same as a debit. Your debit is a charge card too, but your charge card isn't a debit.
Try to run it as a charge.
yes i understand however you have to go to a store and can not order online you can only order on line (using charge) if the amt is under 100 or exactly 100. so since the swing is 129 i am fucked especially since they do not cary the swing in the store... they make it so easy on their customers
i guess that rage has returned
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