Now do not get me wrong I love pain relievers my favorite Motrin!!!! Motrin rocks for those long runs or those "ladies days." Also I love Dr's especially the ones that remove my moles and leave no scares and the one special plastic surgeon I may use one day, to "perk" myself up.
So why Bernadette are you leaving a link on your blog to the history of pain killers in child birth. Well, I say to you loyal blog readers it is because I saw a video today (circa 1960) on what they used to do to women in the delivery room and the fraze the Dr kept saying to the mother, "as long as you cooperate there will be no pain." By the way the woman was bound by her feet, hands and blindfolded..... Sounds like a kidnapping to me or maybe they had to restrain her after all the Novocain they gave her!!!!!
So after reading my link you may laugh at chloroform, Novocain, needles (in places I can not talk about... that oh yeah by the way Drs do not do any more because they were poking to many babies in the head) yet I have one question to ask you...In 30 years will we be laughing at an epidural also ????
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