Hello everyone what a lovely day in Enterprise, I am thanking my lucky stars that it is such a beautiful day. Why then am I on my computer blogging it up.......so I can inform everyone on my thoughts of War, military, guns and other frighting matters.
My lovely cousin Anna ( who is hot and single by the way) mentioned on my blog she does not like war. WHO DOES? I do not like war, I do not like guns ( I make Billy keep his guns locked up in a secret place... and by the way absolutely no hand guns and if you brake into my house, I will cut you, mace you, have my kitty attack you or maybe blow you up with my creme brulee blow torch).
So my point: I really do not think anyone likes war or the idea of war (at least I hope) however, I do believe in a super duper strong military. Why because there are crazies out there, crazies that live in the U.S as well as other countries. For example ever hear of Hugo Chavez that mother Fu..er is crazy as a coot!!!! I am surprised he has any citizens left in his country because rumor has it they are STARVING over there!!! Oh yeah ever hear of Hitler I would hate some coo-coo like him floating around just waiting to start a little trouble......
So my point: there are coo-coo's out there and we need to protect ourselves as well as others (meaning other countries) from them because I do not want a coo-coo in my nest!!!!!
I also do not like fires yet we need firemen, I do not like crime and yet we need police men....just because we do not like something does not mean we don't need to be prepared for it!!!!
Hope everyones weather is like mine and by the way tomorrow I leave for the windy city so not much blogging will be going on....Have a happy 4th!!
for all the robbers that might read this blog my guns are not locked up....they are loaded and waiting for robbers!!!! I keep them next to my bed and they are ready to go in seconds notice!!! BEWARE!!!!
Traditionally, there are some that tend to jump to military means before others. I support the others. Yes, I believe other decisions should have considered.
No one wants war...ever, but it does happen. We all can agree on that.
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