Well, tomorrow I am going to go to my favorite city STL!!! Yeah, I am going to see gramps and gram and turn my mousy brown hair blond again!!! I will not be calling my friend Molly because she is kind of crabby lately with school and all (not that I blame her if you knew me when I was in school I was a crazy study natzie). So STL here I come and please oh please do not be hot because I get enough of the heat in Enterprise.
What's a natzie?
would you like to get together for dinner? I missed you last time you were here and we hardly got a chance to talk in october. no religion talk. molly just got an a in accounting so she's in a good mood.
ps: how can stl be your favorite city? it's lame here.
sumeet it is my favorite city becasue my friends and family are there!!!!!
Wow, being Catholic obviously has it's rewards. It is 2pm in July and the temperature is under 70 degrees. You better thank your nail clippers tonight.
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