Shalom in case you did not know is the Hebrew word for hello and good bye!!!! So I guess I am saying hello......Could I also say Aloha Bitch's .....yes, I could that may even sound better.
So whats new.... well, the only new things with me are vain and shallow subjects.... such as my new hair color and cut (short and a nice golden blond....so Zack you can not call me blondedette any more)...
So hope everyone had a good weekend and Anna I hope you kept your top on up there in the Ozarks on your girls weekend (just kidding Anna would not do that she is 31 now and very mature)!!!!!
put up a new picture of yourself so we can comment on the new look. wear the gladiator shoes too.
Yes, the weekend of debauchery is over. I am happy to report I saw nor participated in any lewd activities. (If any of you would have questioned that, I am disappointed).
My blog is going up this week. Make sure you read it.
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