So I thought about it a little more, the anonymous individual that stated " I am not catholic since I am pro choice when it comes to government" Yet when it comes to my religious and personal views I am pro life. So I have been doing my research and yes I can be a catholic if I feel that way, here are some reasons why.
1.) First we live in American ever hear of Freedom of religion just because I choose to be catholic and choose to believe that an embryo is a human being does not mean you have to believe the same thing.
2.)St. Thomas Aquinas (yes a saint I might add, someone who has a little more clout than a lay person who is accusing me of not being Catholic) observed that there exists a necessary distinction between morality and civil law...(so interpreted means separation between church and state)
3.) St. Augustine wisely reminds us, 'Man cannot believe otherwise than of his own will.'" Therefore you can not force someone to believe pro-life is the way to go......hopefully you can teach them and lead by example and they may find that The Catholic beliefs are their way and not a FORCED belief.
4.)The Church has not the power of using force, nor has she any temporal power, direct or indirect.—Apostolic Letter "Ad Apostolicae," Aug. 22, 1851......therefore we can not force people by law to believe what Catholics believe ..... again we must teach, and lead by example and hope that people will believe in Catholic teaching.
5.)As Father John Murray(Jesuit Priest) said, "it is not the function of civil law to prescribe everything that is morally right and to forbid everything that is morally wrong.
Murray began to develop a view based on the American experience, where a government limited by law protects the liberty of all religious communities equally, while the Church pursues its aims by exercising its influence in society in general, without relying on government intervention to enforce the Church's status. (p.s. Father John Murray was involved in the second Vatican council so the Catholic church must have valued some of his ideas)
Murray began to develop a view based on the American experience, where a government limited by law protects the liberty of all religious communities equally, while the Church pursues its aims by exercising its influence in society in general, without relying on government intervention to enforce the Church's status. (p.s. Father John Murray was involved in the second Vatican council so the Catholic church must have valued some of his ideas)
So you out there that accused me of not being Catholic I am telling you to take it back. That statement is very mean and does not have any support behind it(what if I called you an asshole that would not be nice would it my blog is not about accusing people of things or making judgments with out accurate support). Also I am sure you are an ordinary lay person so how dare you ever say anything like that to me. Unless you are the Pope you have no right so I demand an apology.!!!!!
I am well aware of the separation of Church and state. My point is, Catholicism is not a piecemeal religion. It's all or nothing. Would you be Catholic if you didn't believe in transubstantiation? No way! You can't pick and choose what you believe in with that religion.
If you do think that's what the church wants, you should probably go back to religion class at St. Mary's.
By the way, I'm totally fine with believing what you want to believe in...just letting you know the Catholic church feels differently.
you are missing the point of my first blog completley: I am pro life yet, I do not believe that the state should make that decision for individuals it should be a personal choice (by me saying i am pro choice when it comes to government, does not mean I am pro abortion it means I am pro choice)....therefore how am I piecemealing my religion? The point I made in this blog entry: the Cathoic Church is fine with my belife that the church and state should be seperated. I do not undersand why you keep arguing and you do not get it!!!!!!
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