I was just wondering if closing the refrigerator door was a hard task to complete.......and if someone does not close the door would you consider it "mean" if the person who found it open (repeatedly over and over) asked you to close it. Just wondering because I found myself in this situation this morning.
I find things like the oven left on, my gas burners left on, basic skills a human being should acquire (I would think)!!!!
So all of you spouses out there that can not complete basic tasks such as toilet seat, closing doors and turning off the oven I suggest you learn because you are going to drive you wife or husband to the loony bin or even worse he or she might serve you the eggs that went rotten in the frig because you left it open!!!!! Oh yeah have fun getting your stomach pumped!!!!
Bern, I found a solution that works quite well. Put a post-it note on the door your want closed. It may seem excessive, but it is effective. This has worked with my current roommate.
Your life must be really tough.....You poor thing,I cant believeyou have taken that so long!!
how about when you repeatedly ask for ziploc bags to be sealed so food doesn't get spoiled. the pinch pinch pinch technique isn't quite what the makers intended. how about a slide down the ziploc to make sure the bag's shut!!!
St. Monica is the patron saint of patience and marriage. I am sure that is not a coincidence. I suggest you pray for patience and understanding.
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