It is another Stovesand family gathering, and you know what usually happens during a family get-to-gether.....Yes, I said it a big fat fight usually caused by everyone but Phyllis. So Paul and I have made a pact (because we are the mature ones) to no fight. Usually the fights are between Larry and Bernadette or between Paul and Dan. So our pact is: if Dan or Larry say something stupid we will ignore them......therefor there will not be a fight.
For example if my dad calls Obama a snake charmer or a Muslim i will ignore him. If Daniel says he is the coolest of them all....Paul will ignore him (and Paul ignoring includes punching, speaking and hand gestures the only thing you are allowed to do is laugh when they act stupid).
Wish us luck I will let you know how it ends up.
from what i heard it did oto go well!!!! I think Bernadette was the one who lost her cool and fought with her father!!!! Congrats to Paul for keeping your cool!!
Bern, don't you have anything to say back to Billy, I mean, "anonymous"?
Bernadette, I think you are going to need professional help to get you through this one. No matter what, I applaud your efforts and maturity.
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