Thursday, July 31, 2008


I was just wondering if closing the refrigerator door was a hard task to complete.......and if someone does not close the door would you consider it "mean" if the person who found it open (repeatedly over and over) asked you to close it. Just wondering because I found myself in this situation this morning.

I find things like the oven left on, my gas burners left on, basic skills a human being should acquire (I would think)!!!!

So all of you spouses out there that can not complete basic tasks such as toilet seat, closing doors and turning off the oven I suggest you learn because you are going to drive you wife or husband to the loony bin or even worse he or she might serve you the eggs that went rotten in the frig because you left it open!!!!! Oh yeah have fun getting your stomach pumped!!!!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


I am so confused; do I like nuclear power or do I not like nuclear power!!!! Yes, I like it because it is cheap and burns clean yet, ever hear of Chernobyl. Not to mention have you ever seen a Chernobyl documentary (HBO did one it will make you cry your eyes out).
I am sure the United States has plenty of checks and balances to make sure plants are safe yet, accidents happen and people are careless.....I THINK I WOULD RATHER SEE A HYDROELECTRIC PLANT HAVE AN ACCIDENT RATHER THAN A NUCLEAR POWER PLANT!!!!

Monday, July 28, 2008


Its raining its poring the old man is snoring!!!!! Just got back to the South and it is raining thank the LORD!!!!!! It was 98 when I pulled into the Sunny city so hopefully it will drop to 90!!!

So you are wondering what is that little black insect looking think I have on my blog....Well it is a boll weevil. Enterprsie loves (and honors) the Boll Weevil because it ate all of the cotton and the area went into a huge economic slump!!!!! Wait that is not why they honor that pesky little bug.....Enterprise then decided to plant penuts and it is now their cash crop. When you drive throught enterprise in the winter and fall it smells like a big fat tub of Jiffy penut butter.....for some reason it always makes me go home and eat a pp&j for lunch!!!!


Saturday, July 26, 2008

Shalom Bitch's

Shalom in case you did not know is the Hebrew word for hello and good bye!!!! So I guess I am saying hello......Could I also say Aloha Bitch's .....yes, I could that may even sound better.

So whats new.... well, the only new things with me are vain and shallow subjects.... such as my new hair color and cut (short and a nice golden Zack you can not call me blondedette any more)...

So hope everyone had a good weekend and Anna I hope you kept your top on up there in the Ozarks on your girls weekend (just kidding Anna would not do that she is 31 now and very mature)!!!!!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Well, tomorrow I am going to go to my favorite city STL!!! Yeah, I am going to see gramps and gram and turn my mousy brown hair blond again!!! I will not be calling my friend Molly because she is kind of crabby lately with school and all (not that I blame her if you knew me when I was in school I was a crazy study natzie). So STL here I come and please oh please do not be hot because I get enough of the heat in Enterprise.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Check this out peeps. You can give away your stuff or get free stuff.
Have you already seen this website....remember I live down South news does not travel fast to the sticks....just heard of Craig's list a year ago.

Sunday, July 20, 2008


I am leaving today to go to Nashville, TN to stay with my brother Daniel. I always like going there because there is plenty of food (no wait beer), clean sheets (sheets that smell like my parents dog), and a lovely greeting (usually Dan is not there, passed out or MIA when I arrive). Yet, it is always fun to go to a city with buildings, traffic and places to eat other than Ruby Tuesdays!!!!

Friday, July 18, 2008


I have heard of volunteer tomatoes yet, never volunteer butternut squash. As most of you know i compost food (no animal matter). So in my compost pile I now have butternut squash growing. It seems this winter I may have made butternut squash soup and the seeds from the squash now have grown into a plant growing in my compost pile.

So whomever is the next guest at my house may be the proud recipient of my organically grown butternut squash. If cats pee on your food is it still organic?

Thursday, July 17, 2008


This upbeat little car is only 10k and runs on not cow poop, but AIR!!!!!!

So check it out and when they come to the United States I would like a Franchise PLEASE!!!! I could sell cars.

Monday, July 14, 2008


This is hilarious. The Alabama attorney was caught in homosexual relations. Now normally I would not care, I would just say keep that (whether homosexual or heterosexual) to yourself. Yet this guy ran his campaign on an anti-gay platform (actually so far everyone does in Alabama I say who cares run the state as a business not as a church).

Yet, this website I am giving you is not a reliable source. I do not feel any of the Alabama or southeastern papers will publish it anytime soon they are a little into censorship down here. Yet, once I find a reliable source I will put it on my blog so until now it is a rumor.

Saturday, July 12, 2008


Devil in the Church

One Sunday morning, everyone in one bright, beautiful, tiny town got up early and went to the local church.
Before the services started, the townspeople were sitting in their pews and talking about their lives, their families, etc. Suddenly, Satan appeared at the front of the church. Everyone started screaming and running for the front entrance, trampling each other in a frantic effort to get away from evil incarnate.
Soon everyone was evacuated from the church, except for one elderly gentleman who sat calmly in his pew, not moving... seemingly oblivious to the fact that God's ultimate enemy was in his presence. Now this confused Satan a bit, so he walked up to the man and said, "Don't you know who I am?"
The man replied, "Yep, sure do."
Satan asked, "Aren't you afraid of me?"
"Nope, sure ain't," said the man.
Satan was a little perturbed at this and queried, "Why aren't you afraid of me?"
The man calmly replied, "Been married to your sister for over 48 years."


Thursday, July 10, 2008


Here is a man spending his own money to promote power sources other than oil. Now you should know that T Boons made the majority of his wealth on oil, yet he does not like America's dependence on other countries oil.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I am a little upset at you

So I thought about it a little more, the anonymous individual that stated " I am not catholic since I am pro choice when it comes to government" Yet when it comes to my religious and personal views I am pro life. So I have been doing my research and yes I can be a catholic if I feel that way, here are some reasons why.
1.) First we live in American ever hear of Freedom of religion just because I choose to be catholic and choose to believe that an embryo is a human being does not mean you have to believe the same thing.
2.)St. Thomas Aquinas (yes a saint I might add, someone who has a little more clout than a lay person who is accusing me of not being Catholic) observed that there exists a necessary distinction between morality and civil law...(so interpreted means separation between church and state)
3.) St. Augustine wisely reminds us, 'Man cannot believe otherwise than of his own will.'" Therefore you can not force someone to believe pro-life is the way to go......hopefully you can teach them and lead by example and they may find that The Catholic beliefs are their way and not a FORCED belief.
4.)The Church has not the power of using force, nor has she any temporal power, direct or indirect.—Apostolic Letter "Ad Apostolicae," Aug. 22, 1851......therefore we can not force people by law to believe what Catholics believe ..... again we must teach, and lead by example and hope that people will believe in Catholic teaching.
5.)As Father John Murray(Jesuit Priest) said, "it is not the function of civil law to prescribe everything that is morally right and to forbid everything that is morally wrong.
Murray began to develop a view based on the American experience, where a government limited by law protects the liberty of all religious communities equally, while the Church pursues its aims by exercising its influence in society in general, without relying on government intervention to enforce the Church's status. (p.s. Father John Murray was involved in the second Vatican council so the Catholic church must have valued some of his ideas)
So you out there that accused me of not being Catholic I am telling you to take it back. That statement is very mean and does not have any support behind it(what if I called you an asshole that would not be nice would it my blog is not about accusing people of things or making judgments with out accurate support). Also I am sure you are an ordinary lay person so how dare you ever say anything like that to me. Unless you are the Pope you have no right so I demand an apology.!!!!!


My views on Pro Life and Pro Choice. First of all "Anonymous", said I was not catholic if I am pro life. When it comes to government I am pro choice again like I said it is between you and your maker what you do with your life. Now as for me personally I am pro-life....yet it is my choice to be that way.

So you are saying I would be a good Catholic if I forced all of the crack-heads to have their crack babies with one eye and 15 arms.....Nice I hope they have a nice life...

Just because I feel it is a women's choice to do what she wants does not mean I am not catholic....Did God not give us "free Will" hoping that we would make the right choices.....I do not think he said hey government please make sure my people make the right choices....and by they way do not let them make any decisions for themselves!!!!!

I never said i would not have the vaccine nor did i ever say i would not give it to my daughter.....all i said was that i wanted the choice to do so or not.............yet i am happy i had 4 comments I thought I was the only one who read my blog.....Maybe I should speak of sensitive matters more often.......Oh yes Anonymous I will find out who you are and get you my pretty!!!!!

Oh yeah and ladies the government will never stop one day they might want your eggs to test some sort of drug that makes everyone a genius ....and their theory will be if you could have genius's all over America why wouldn't you .....SO GIVE ME YOU EGGS!!!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008


I am "pro choice."...........Yet my choice would be life. I fully believe it is a women's choice to do what she wants to do with her body, and her choice should be between her and her maker and not her and government. So now I am at a quander, ever hear of Gardasil a drug developed to prevent HPV. In the state of Texas it is mandatory for girls 11 and 12 to have the Gardasil Vaccine. Yes, I am sure Gardasil is a great drug and does what is supposed to do, yet if I do not want to get the drug or if I do not want my daughter (hypothetically I do not have a daughter) to receive the drug I should have the choice to do so.....

So now I am going to get on my soap box about drug companies. Here is a perfect example of why I have a problem with drug companies. They have there own lobbyist to get their drugs to be MANDI TORY IN Texas I ask you how do you like those Merck dollars? I am sure Merck does a good job at giving Texas what they need oh and I am sure a little of what they want.

Please read this is the article about Texas and maditory vaccine:


Yes I did I lost my cool in Chicago the very first night. I was sleep deprived, and sick so I do have an excuse. Yet I made a pact to keep my cool and I did not. So I have decided to punish myself. I have to think about my punishment so if anyone has any ideas let me know.
I am so embarrassed at what I did and said to my dad, I can not even disclose it on my blog, because everyone would be like...I can not believe you said that what kind of person are you.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Paul and I have made a pact

It is another Stovesand family gathering, and you know what usually happens during a family get-to-gether.....Yes, I said it a big fat fight usually caused by everyone but Phyllis. So Paul and I have made a pact (because we are the mature ones) to no fight. Usually the fights are between Larry and Bernadette or between Paul and Dan. So our pact is: if Dan or Larry say something stupid we will ignore them......therefor there will not be a fight.

For example if my dad calls Obama a snake charmer or a Muslim i will ignore him. If Daniel says he is the coolest of them all....Paul will ignore him (and Paul ignoring includes punching, speaking and hand gestures the only thing you are allowed to do is laugh when they act stupid).

Wish us luck I will let you know how it ends up.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


Hello everyone what a lovely day in Enterprise, I am thanking my lucky stars that it is such a beautiful day. Why then am I on my computer blogging it I can inform everyone on my thoughts of War, military, guns and other frighting matters.
My lovely cousin Anna ( who is hot and single by the way) mentioned on my blog she does not like war. WHO DOES? I do not like war, I do not like guns ( I make Billy keep his guns locked up in a secret place... and by the way absolutely no hand guns and if you brake into my house, I will cut you, mace you, have my kitty attack you or maybe blow you up with my creme brulee blow torch).
So my point: I really do not think anyone likes war or the idea of war (at least I hope) however, I do believe in a super duper strong military. Why because there are crazies out there, crazies that live in the U.S as well as other countries. For example ever hear of Hugo Chavez that mother is crazy as a coot!!!! I am surprised he has any citizens left in his country because rumor has it they are STARVING over there!!! Oh yeah ever hear of Hitler I would hate some coo-coo like him floating around just waiting to start a little trouble......
So my point: there are coo-coo's out there and we need to protect ourselves as well as others (meaning other countries) from them because I do not want a coo-coo in my nest!!!!!
I also do not like fires yet we need firemen, I do not like crime and yet we need police men....just because we do not like something does not mean we don't need to be prepared for it!!!!
Hope everyones weather is like mine and by the way tomorrow I leave for the windy city so not much blogging will be going on....Have a happy 4th!!