One Merger, two Merger, three Merger, four, five Merger, six Merger, seven Merger ore. OH the market today!!!!! Could it be any more crazy. So what about these companies that are going bankrupt or being bought out by the government.....Or Better yet since we have been giving all our moola to the middle east (you know gas and all I think it has been in the billions) I hope they do not buy all our companies up......they may relocate them and then the employees would have to work where it is super duper hot (I am joking they would not hire us we are to expensive so there would be no relocation).
So lets hope these mergers, buyouts, and bankruptcy, all end up in the American economy's best interest (who knows it could be like the boll weevil you know the bug that ate all the cotton in Enterprise...the community suffered however Enterprise then decided to plant peanuts and had an economic boom and now peanuts are the cash crop). I do not know anything about economics (that class sucked all it consisted of was a bunch of formula's) so all I have is hope!!!!
Maybe you should get a scooter or at least a hybrid instead of a big gas guzzling SUV so you're not sending so much money to the middle east.
I make my owne gas out of egg shells, olive oil and hair gel it takes a couple of days however it is worth it!!!!
does your wife drive a volvo ...they have turbo in their engins that is a gas guzzler...DUH!!!
i don't think my wife's car was the subject of your post. your rant on the gas industry was. ps: quite a bit of rage lately on the posts.
JTLYK (for the future that stands for just to let you know).... I do not really care about gas guzzelers because some people need them....what if I had 5 kids I would need a big ass van.
what I do care about is money going to other countries and not ours .... I am just making fun of the situation our country is in.....it is our fault we did it to ourselves. I am not ranting there are calm and peacful thoughts behind my misspelled words and grammer mistakes....I am surprized you can make sence of my writing. My mother told me she is embarressed that I have such poor writting skills and I should not have a blog until I go back to 4th grade.
um. my volvo is not the turbo model. please leave me out of your rage.
yeah, you're raging against your parents, children, your husband, your family. some serious anger issues. and, you don't have five kids, so go and buy a scooter.
OK, I am glad the Garg's have brought it up: seriously, what is with all the rage? You may want to consider anger management or yoga.
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