I did, I warned everyone about football season. My worst nightmare came true last night. As you know Thursday night The Office comes on (one of my favorite shows other than everybody loves Raymond and law and order). Well, as you may know football was on, so we had to watch Vandy and "the game cocks" (some chick had a shirt on made with a bedazzler I might add....that said "I love cocks" she was also 40 I was like HEY lady get that shit off).
I said to Billy " do we have to watch this?" "Bern" billy says to me "soon football with dominate tv and there will be nothing else to watch to get used to it."
So I said no Billy there will always be TBS to save me....so eat it!!!!
Bern, How's your husband doing in fantasy football? Word on the street is that Sumeet's the leader. What does meep meep have to say about that?
did you know that your husband is on wikipedia?
Its week 1 Molly!!!! Ever heard the stroy of the Tortoise and the Hare!!!
Bern, Billy's on wikipedia. I didn't know he was famous! Wow, you sure married up!
Don't you have more than one TV in your house?
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