Well Well Well Sunday "Big Brother" bailed out Fannie May and Freddie Mac. Nice!! Now do not get me wrong this will help my husband because the market is up today and it makes his clients happy which makes him happy which makes me happy. However I have mixed feelings about the entire thing. I do not have a reason (well I do but it is not a good reason).
This is all I have to say, shame on you Banks for giving loans to people that do not have good credit and shame on those banks for giving loans and not explaining it to people how they work (first time home buyers just do not understand, I know I did not understand I just wanted a house). Also shame on the people who wanted to get into a business that they know nothing about. For example the accountants that started building homes, the the toilet bowl salesman that thought he could buy 10 pieces of property at the beach and then "flip" it 10 days later. Why do Americans always want to jump on the band wagon.
Do what you know more than likely you will make better choices.
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