My mother is coming to visit and she is bringing her dog YIPPY!!!! Here is our conversation recently:
Me: Mom did you bring Milo's choke collar
mom: no he does not need it
me: since when
mom: he does not need it with me
Me: mother all you do is walk the dog across the street to p and then back in the house you do not walk him
mom: why are you so mean
me: did you bring his bark collar (this collar sprays citronella in Milo's face when he barks it is awesome)
mom: no I forgot
me: mom i will not be able to take it if your dumb dog is barking all over the place
mom: Bern Milo is such a good boy he would not do that
me: whatever.... when are you leaving
mom: ahhh i do not know
me: what do you mean you do not know
Mom: well i was thinking around 5 to 10 days
me: interesting wait until I tell Billy he will love that
Just to let you know my mother no longer wants to sleep upstairs she wants the room next to the nursery. Also she has left my dad by himself and he is having surgery tomorrow on his mouth and has to call a driver to come and pick him up!!! Sorry dad your wife is crazy!!!
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