My brother Paul just turned 30 on the 1st of this month. I asked him how it felt to be old, I also asked him about his wrinkles and saggy skin.... He did not even understand what I was talking about (I do not think men obsess about getting old like women do ..... my thoughts and fairness on this subject can be discussed another time).
However my brother Paul lives in Chicago and is an architect (I may have mentioned this) he is now working for Rush Medical Center and works "off site." That means he works at the construction site I have shown you to your left. Last month it was snowy cold and wet and Paul stepped into a mud puddle and got mud inside his boot and up to his knee. Sorry Paul you should move to Alabama we do not have cold muddy puddles. Have fun the rest of the winter at the Construction site I will be thinking about you when it is 70 her in the month of February.
Oh yes did I mention my entire family went to Chicago last weekend to celebrate Paul's B-day.... everyone but me they even brought the dog.
paul must have had the good sense not to invite you to point out all the problems you see with his life and your family members
sumeet have you been talking to my family!!!!!!!!!! Did they tell you to say that!!!
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