So Billy and I watched Sicko last night, not a bad flick. The first thing Billy said to me was Bernadette do not put this on your blog tomorrow. Well, I am not going to put anything about the movie on my blog I am just going to address socialized medicine.
On paper socialized medicine sounds awesome. Who would not want to walk into a bright, shinny clean clinic right down the street sit down fill in a little paper work get seen by the Dr. and leave and never ever see a bill. AHHH I WOULD I WOULD!!! However I feel that is a dream. A dream that would rely on honest politicians and Americans to implement a program where everything is run efficiently. I have not seen anything implemented by the government run efficiently(look at what is going on with TARP right now everyone wants a piece of the pie what happened to the green movement isn't that a "waste not want not" philosophy....hmmm maybe they only understand when it comes to getting elected) and I would not trust them with my health care.
I want my Dr. to strive for something better to always be looking for the best treatment and not having to follow the guidelines the government sets for him or her I want my Dr. to follow his or her guidelines (that is why I do my research on Dr's. I am the crazy annoying lady that will ask you 5 bazillion questions to make sure you are the Dr. for me).
So socialized medicine is it a good theory? Yes it is however, in my opinion it is only as good as the people running it. So I ask you who would you like to run socialized medicine for the United States of America ???? I pick Blagojevich (ha just kidding).
1 comment:
Sarah has a friend from Canada who now lives in San Fran. He pretty much agrees with your point Bern. The government never runs anything well. You get what you pay for. I guess in Canada you have to wait for monthes to get an appointment and you really don't get to choose your dr either. I love how Michael Moore edits.
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