So this morning Billy and I had our normal breakfast of eggs and toast. After breakfast Billy went and played paint ball and I went for my walk. We met back at the house around 12 and ate lunch around 12:30 (just a reminder breakfast was at 7:00 a.m.).
As we were cleaning up lunch I said to Billy I will give you 100$ if you eat these left over eggs (that have been sitting out since breakfast). He looked at me looked at the eggs and did it with in a 10 second time frame!!!!!!!!!!! What, you did not just eat that did you (says Bern)? ..... Yes, I did, now pay up!
So I had to come up with 100 dollars which is a lot for me since we are on a budget (a tight one this year). So I have lost most of my spending money this month to gambling (never thought I would say that).
By the way my husband is officially gross for eating those nasty left over egg bits!!!!
I would have done it for $10, and I bet Billy would have too. You way overpaid on that bet. I'm going to Las Vegas next week, but am only betting $20 ($10 on the month and day of our due date). So wish me luck!
Bernadette way over paid and the eggs were actually ok. it was one bite and they were only 5 hours old!! Good Luck in Vegas!!!
Bern, guys will eat anything. When Sumeet and i first started dating he dropped a reeses cup on the floor of a GAS STATION, picked it up, and still ate it. They will eat anything.
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