So at beginning of pregnancy one of the first things the nurse asked me was are you going to Cord Blood Bank? HMMMM well, first of all what is it and why? She really did not know so she gave me some info and I did my research (I did this research back in Aug.) I came to the conclusion there is a .005% chance that I would use the cord blood so why not donate it to someone who has a life threatening illness and they can use it. So easy breezy!!!!!! Ah no it is not easy, it is very hard to find someone in my area to take it. Now if I lived in a big city with a research/teaching hospital that would be easy they would come get it personally. So now what do I do, do I bank or do I throw away.
I have a hard time throwing away something like that, it would be like throwing away blood, or a liver (way maybe not as extreme as a liver those are pretty important) so what do I do..... If anyone knows anything about donating cord blood please let me know I do not understand why I can ship my cord blood to a bank but not ship my cord blood to a research hospital? Also I found some info (who knows if it is lagit) that if your kid does not use it there is a 75% chance that it will not be able to be used by someone in your family.
I am also feeling guilty about donating the cord blood beause eveyone is making me feel guilty for not banking it. So what would you do? Oh yeah and the only place you can find info on cord blood banking is from the cord blood banking institutes themselves (and they have some serious sales people they call you once a week if you sign up on their website to get info).
hi bern-
i just wanted to give me two cents on cord blood banking....i think it is a waste of money!!!!!! it's very expensive and if your baby would ever get sick, the doc would not even use the cord blood you banked (and spent all that money on) because what ever made your baby sick would also be present in the stem cells from the cord blood. i think it's just a money making scheme. i guess i would just try to find some place that can use your cord blood for research.
congratulations on pregnangcy!!!!!
~Jessica bendana
I am definitely against the bank. I think it's a way to swindle rich hyper moms out of their money. If you child gets sick, you can't use it. Then why is it there? I am ALL for donation. This is also hard to do in StL (I hear). If you have a baby on the weekend, you can't donate it, you have to arrange it a month ahead of time, so don't think it's easy everywhere. You have WAY too many life-altering decisions to make. This is all stressing me out.
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