Before I start on my Vaccine soap box I just want my readers to know I will Vaccine my child......The question is what Vaccines are necessary.
After working for the "Drug" industry for a year I am leery on their intentions. Bottom line to them is money (nothing wrong with money, I like money however, what comes first health or money). The drug companies find sneaky ways to teach Docs how to use drugs off label (ever hear of Cytotec, OBGYNS use this to induce labor.....watch out ladies this drugs side effect is "ABORTION" if you look in the PI it will state do not give to pregnant ladies...yet it is widely used, also known as miso, or misoprostol), they have lobbyist to get insurance, Medicaid and medicare to make their drugs mandatory first choice for scripts, they have drug reps that spend 250-300 a head on dinners to promote their drugs. So that being said I have to know my shit before I make a decision with drugs.
So now I have to find out what Vaccine does my kid really need? What is actually bad about a vaccine, is it the quantity of vaccines we give children or is it the content of the Vaccine? Oh yeah and when you do research, where do you get a reliable source of info(I am not a Dr. I do not understand all that crap)? If you go to Barnes and Nobel there are a bazillion books on vaccines? If you go to the Internet you find the radicals that say do not vaccinate or you must vaccinate (I want the person that says vaccines should be done al a cart for example the whooping cough is now making a come back so I will get that vaccine and so will my kid).
Oh yes just to let you peeps know I am not knocking the pharm industry (well maybe a little) I like them I need some of those drugs (especially tazorac after pregnancy is over my face will be line free again). If I ran a drug company I would run it pretty close the same way they do now,(however I would take away a lot of the drug reps and spend more money on educating nurses and docs on their field and drugs) again if you are a publicly traded company bottom line is profit and you do want the companies to make a profit so they can continue R&D (because I want them to come up with a pill that will make me look like I am 24 again).
So the first vaccine I have to make a decision on is hepatitis B: you contract hepatitis B either though blood or sex. Well as far as I know my baby is not sexually active and I do not have hepatitis B, so should I wait? Why does my kid need this? More than likely he/she will not get it from a blood transfusion since they check blood now, so the only way he/she would get it would be thought sex and since my kid will be perfect I will not have to worry about that until he/she gets married (you know since I was perfect).
don't get me started. hepatatis B is HIGHLY transmissible through body fluids, 1000x more than HIV. it causes cirrhosis and liver cancer. what if your child gets cut while playing and gets the wound contaminated from another person. why not protect your children? vaccines are probably the SINGLE biggest public health success of the last 100 years. and your drug, misoprostal, can cause abortion in EARLY pregnancy, not when the baby is about to pop out. doctors are trained and made judgements based on training and experience for what is best for the patients. patients do not have that base of knowledge or experience. all these diseases we thought were gone are coming back . . . BECAUSE OF PARENTS WHO DON'T VACCINATE THEIR KIDS BECAUSE OF KUKOO FAKE SCIENCE.
I understand your frustration of the drug industry and the insurance company. The greed is out of control. But at the same time, you do need to trust doctors, they are smart and have the education to make good decisions. They went to medical school. It would like an OB/GYN coming in and telling your dad how to sell cars. The Dr. may have read some things, but your dad has the knowledge and experience.
I heard someone say the other day that kids who don't get vaccinated are still benefitting from the vaccines because the vaccinated kids are keeping the unprotected ones healthy to a point.
I am glad I have I do not have to make this decision. I would pay more attetion what doctors (physicians) say than celebrities and PhD's.
Good luck and I feel for you.
I am going to get my kid vacinated because i would not be able to live with myself if he/she did get sick. However, what about chicken pox vaccine isn't that going a little over board .... why can't the kid get chicken pox.... I have never heard of that killing anyone.
Bern, Thank you for opening up this can of worms :) and getting my husband started. The only thing I have to say is that the pharma companies are drastically cutting down on the dinners and perks for docs (and spouses) which is def a good thing. When Sumeet and I were dating, I had the option to go to all these fancy dinners but most of the time did not because it was a waste of money on their part. Now, these dinners don't even exist anymore. Anyway, about the vaccines, I'm sure you'll do plenty of research and make the right decision. Call Sumeet if you want to talk more. Molly
Chew on this . . .
Source: CDC
What are the serious complications from chickenpox?
Serious complications from chickenpox include bacterial infections which can involve many sites of the body including the skin, tissues under the skin, bone, lungs (pneumonia), joints, and blood. Other serious complications are due directly to infection with the varicella-zoster virus and include viral pneumonia, bleeding problems, and infection of the brain (encephalitis). Many people are not aware that before a vaccine was available approximately 10,600 persons were hospitalized and 100 to 150 died as a result of chickenpox in the U.S. every year.
I am all for doing what ever is best for my baby so I will trust what you say but I have a few questions.
Is is best to spread the shots out over time?
Is giving all the shots at once hard on the babys system?
Are there any you would avoid or dont think are necessary?
I would follow the vaccination schedule and recommendations of the AAP (American Academy of Pediatrics). They are the result of a comprehensive review of the best available scientific research. You can probably find the schedule on the AAP website, I don't know the specifics, but your pediatrician should.
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