Before I start on my Bradly Class let me let everyone know, how a mother and father decided to give birth is completely up to them and I am not telling anyone there is a right or wrong way of doing things I am just letting you know about how I am doing things. However, I still love the comments because I know one "Garg" imparticular who thinks I am crazy.... That is OK to each his own!.
So Billy and I finished our Bradley class last night and I am very glad. So I figured I would just let everyone know what I got out of it and why I have decided to go this way.
At first I decided to do the class because I was on the fence about drugs during labor I knew I did not want to use them however I did not know why. Well now I have done my research and I have taken my classes and here are the conclusions I have come to on, why I am going to do a Bradley Birth.
1.) Schedule: I love a schedule, and the sooner my baby is on a schedule the better. So one of the quickest ways to get your kid on a schedule is establish feeding. If you have a birth with out an epidural or pitocin (pitocin will keep your milk from coming in, in a timely manner) your baby will be much more alert and will be able to feed when it comes out of the "baby box."
2.) You will be able to walk around after giving birth and you will be able to get back to normal(walking will move your blood around and contract your uterus back, nursing will contract your uterus back also so for all you ladies that want their tummy to flatten out I recommend nursing if you can). If you have an epidural you are going to have to wait until the epidural wares off to walk around and even go number 1 or 2 (if there is any number 1 or 2 left). Not to mention when you have an epidural it is a vicious cycle of epidural (which slows the labor down) pitocin which speeds the labor up (and makes your contractions 3x's as worse as they really are), epidural again because you had pitocin, oh yeah here comes the catheter because now you will not be able to go to the bathroom by yourself.... wait there is more constant fetal monitoring (now you are strapped to the bed because they have to monitor the babies heart beat because the pitocin or the epidural may make your baby go crazy)..... wait there is even more, now you need an IV so not only do you have a tube in your "potty area" you have a tube in your hand and you have a band around your tummy to watch the baby. So do not plan on going any where until the baby is out of the "baby box."
3.) women who are not induced and do not receive an epidural only have a 10% change of having an Cesarean while women who have an epidural and pitocin have a 37% chance of having a Cesarean.
3.) women who are not induced and do not receive an epidural only have a 10% change of having an Cesarean while women who have an epidural and pitocin have a 37% chance of having a Cesarean.
4.) I just can not bare being tied down to a bed
5.) giving birth in the squatting position opens your pelvis up 40% more than laying in a bed therefore easier for Mr. or Ms. baby to "head on out" you can not give birth in the squatting position if you have had an epidural because your legs are numb.
Now these are the reasons I have decided to go with the Bradley Method....however, I have not done it yet I may wimp out and decide to let the nurse stick that big ass needle in my spine!!!!! Now all I have to do is figure out if I am going to cord blood bank or not!!!!
Oh yes these reasons I have just given are not the reasons the Bradley teacher will tell you "you should try a Bradley Birth" these are my reasons. Bradley goes much deeper into what pitocin will do to your child, what an epidural will do to your child, what excercies you should do (every pregant women should do pelvic tilts this one is a must), what to eat (80 to 100 mg of protine a day and try to buy as much organic as you can) and how to establish a bond with your child. So if you ask a Bradley teacher "why should I do a Bradley Birth" they will not even address what I just blogged about.
Next baby topic "Baby Wise" how to get your baby sleeping thought out the night!!!! By the way if you do the Bradley Method and then do "Baby Wise" the Bradley people will think you are mean (Baby wise is a very strict schedule to get your baby to sleep and eat)!!!! So again to each his own!!!!
woops i just looked up my stats on cecarian if you have a "natural child birth" you only hae a 7% chance of cecarian.
Bern, good post. It's always a good idea to educate you readers and you certainly have with this post. I have no doubt Sumeet will have a comment about the Bradley method but remember, he will never give birth, so he's really just all talk. I'm pretty sure he will try to convince you over the next month to at least have an IV. Just warning you. ~molly
don't bleed to death while nurses scramble to get an IV in if your uterus has problems with delivery.
Sumeet, please delete your comment. That's not something a woman 8 months preggo wants to hear.~Molly
my uterus is as strong as an ox!!! however would a heplock make you happy!!! Mr bluntness!!!
Sumeet said a heplock would make him happy! I'm glad you two could agree on something! Molly
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