So the New Year is here I am a completely different person I have overnight become nice, beautiful, thin, a philanthropist, and did I mention nice a caring. NOT!!!!! I think it is so funny when people really do think (I am not joking they really do think) that the slate has been wiped clean and they can start a new. Oh yeah, the people also think they become a new person on the 1st of January. UMM does it not take a lot of work to change old habits?
Now do not get me wrong if you decided to make a better you, I think that is great. However, you know you do not have to wait for the New Year you can be a new you every day. So for example if I say I am going to read and not watch TV (i will not be doing this it is just an example). If I watch TV it is OK I can realize it turn it off and read my book. I will not become this "reader" over night I will have to work on it (especially if it is non fiction).
So all you New Years resolution people out there I think it is great if you make a New Years resolution just remember work on it and if you break it, its OK just keep working on the resolution, more than likely it will not happen overnight!!!!
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