So my Bradley teacher wants me to eat two eggs a day every day. Now that sounds like a lot of eggs to me. I guess I am going to have to do a little research because when it comes to eggs I really only like them with cheese (I think that may defeat the purpose).
Also not egg whites, you may have thought that the yolk was the bad part and you should take that out because of cholesterol (at least I should because I have high cholesterol). However, the yolk is just as good for you as the white maybe even better because it contains half the protein of the egg plus the vitamins and the "good" fats your body needs for your brain and crap like that. So I guess I need to get cracking on the egg thing ...... if you have any recipes for eggs (other than egg salad i do not eat mayo it makes me want to barf) let me know because like I said the eggs I know how to make have butter and milk and cheese and I think that may defeat the purpose.
i have a great egg/cheese/bread deluxe specialty recipe -- i just made it for dinner last night and it was delicious. crack egg, cook, then flip, let it cook. then lift the egg up without breaking yolk -- put a piece of bread with a piece of cheese (butter the bread if you like on the side facing the pan). lay the egg on top of the cheese, let the bread brown, then flip (so the egg is on the pan again). squeeze (or don't if you want the sunny side up effect) the bread to break the yolk. let it cook a little bit longer so cheese is melted. then flip and serve. yum.
how is billy taking his loss in fantasy football. i beat him silly. i hope he wins a game at least once this season
Bernie. Who is your bradley teacher?? are you in school? anywhoo, I have eggs every morning. I usually make two scrambled but will put sliced turkey and a little feta cheese in it. It's my own scrambler!
no molly i am not in school i am taking the "Bradley" method so I do not have to have an epidoral (s/p). If you ever have a kid I highly recomend this class even if you do not decide to go elnatural this is a good class because it will prepare you for all the gross shit that soon will happen to you. By the way I was the only imature one in the class with the giggles.....I mean come on if someone asked you to recite the definition of kegels you would have the giggles too!!! The teacher is probably like you are way to imature to be here.
you're crazy for not having an epidural. enjoy the pain.
Umm, does the hospital realize your "recent" rage and vocabulary of a sailor (not to mention the love and butterflies you bring with you everywhere). They may ban you from entering the hospital without drugs to begin with.
Little Billy is going to have to grow up visiting his mommy in prison for murdering a doctor.
I appreciate you learning the excercises and things for preperation, it's still a good thing to know.
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