Sunday, October 19, 2008


I was wondering is it really that hard to put your shopping cart away? I went to Wal Mart today ( the place I hate with a passion however sometimes i am forced to go), and I watched three people just roll their cart into a parking spot. Why this erks me!!!!

1.) pure laziness: come on people it is like an extra 10 steps to put it away.

2.) safety: that cart could roll and hit a car or roll and hit a child, or better yet roll and hit the lazy ass person that left it there.

3.) employees: on a day like Sunday it would be best if you could help the employees, they are very busy so be a respectful customer and put your shit where it belongs.

The lady that pissed me off the most as she was getting into her black celica, she left her cart right in between her parking space and another when the cart rack was approx 6 spaces over. I feel this is a representation of how she lives her entire life ..... lazy and half ass!!!!

Please no comments on how negative I am, I am quite aware of my bitchyness you do not have to tell me!!!

1 comment:

anna said...

I am not commenting since you already know the comment.