Wednesday, March 18, 2009


So today Abe had his first photo shoot. It was the worst thing I have ever been through. He cried the entire time and when he was not crying he was pooping (total of three times) on the photographers props or going number 1 on the photographers props. So after two hours of this nightmare I told her I was done and she said "I only have 15 pictures" I said "that is fine I can not take this any more of this."
I doubt Abe will be a model any time soon!!!


anna said...

I don't know what you are talking about Bern. Every picture I see of that little angel he is sleeping. He is perfect in my eyes. Silent, never makes a peep.

Anonymous said...

I second Anna. Abe seems to be the perfect little baby!!! But remember, all the best models in the world have their issues (Naomi) ~Molly