So I no longer have a cleaning lady. She quit Thursday night (she comes on Friday). Oh well and by the way she did not give a reason (Billy says it is because I am to hard to get along with, whatever, just because I do not socialize with my cleaning lady does not mean I am mean....you need to be cleaning not talking I do not pay you to "busy body").
So I am going to do it myself, plus I will have extra money I can save for my ski vacation I am going to take next Feb. (if the market does not put us in the poor house first).
I should not say I am going to do it myself because my loving husband will help. So yesterday we did some chores and Billy did a very good job however, I found some stuff "hidden" and not put away. For example Billy please recycle the raisin box, Billy please put socks, undies and shoes away, Billy please take your sheets upstairs (he sleeps upstairs now because I am fat and p 50x's a night and plus he is all over the bed because of his shoulder). So the raisin box did not get recycled it ended up in the Frig, socks shoes and undies hidden under his dresser and sheets on the floor upstairs. I am so confused it takes as much effort to put the stuff away as it does to hide it so why hide it!!!!!! WEIRD!!!!
However just to let you know even thought he does hide his stuff he did a very good job cleaning the laundry room floor, cabinets and baseboards!!!!
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