Thursday, March 12, 2009


Well yesterday was Abe's first Dr. appointment. You will be pleased to know I was the only mother at the Drs. with an entourage (Muffy (Phyllis) & Gram (Linda billys mom)).
Report: Abe has already gained weight he is now 8lbs & 4 oz (yes I know what you are thinking I have a super baby don't be jellous).


Unknown said...

can you encourage him to grow a beard like his famous namesake?

Anonymous said...

Bern, he is so beautiful!!!! He looks like such a peaceful and happy baby. I can't wait to meet him in person.

Sumeet, I'm pretty sure that Abe isn't named after Lincoln. Just because you may be obsessed with a certain cheating president, doesn't mean others would name a child after a prez.I'm guessing his namesake is from this little book known as the Bible.MG

anna said...

That is one sweet baby.

Sumeet, Abe is actually named after Abe Froman, the sausage king of chicago so expect some nice bratwurst for Xmas.