Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Not Very Good

Now do I claim to have any talents that entertain people? No I do not so lets make that clear....I could never direct a movie, act, sing or make people laugh.

Yet I was quite disappointed in Indiana Jones.

Sorry Harrison Ford I think you are awesome and your new buddy Shia LeBeouf you are quite good yourself. Oh yes, Stephen Spielberg didn't you have something to do with ET?

Why did I not like the movie? I do not know I could not explain it......maybe it is because I am not 10 anymore and movies like this do not entertain me..............now you know what will probably entertain me.....SEX AND THE CITY......HELL YEAH I CAN NOT WAIT TO SEE THIS MOVIE!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

that's too bad. i had wanted to see that but have not heard good things. molly and i (mostly me) are psyched for "the happening" - mostly since it's by an Indian director. I'm going to see it opening weekend since I leave for India the Friday after.