So Thursday night I hear barking underneath my house around 7:00 p.m. (do i need to remind you this is crabby time at my house and the last thing i need to deal with is my mothers dog). Milo has gone underneath my house and has lost his way.
My mother wants me to call the fire department to go underneath my house to get him (yeah right like i am going to do that, they only do that in cartoons mother). So we have a huge argument on who is going under the house.... NOT ME THERE ARE SNAKES CATS AND ALL KINDS OF CRAP, LEAVE THE DAM DOG UNDER THE HOUSE AND LET THE JACK ASS FIND HIS WAY OUT!!!!! "No" my mother says i will go.
So Phyllis goes under the house (did I mention Kitty went with her to keep her company) and tries to get the dog. Milo finaly finds his way to the front of the house (there is no way out at the front) so my mother rips the slats off the front of my house to let the jackass out!!!!
Did I mention I hate this dog!!!!
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