Sunday, June 15, 2008

My Dinner Party

I have been planning my menu for my BBQ dinner party for two days. Here is what I made:
* coleslaw (organic)
* baked beans (heirloom)
* tomatoes (Cecilian)
* potatoes (from best yet foods they grow fruits and veggies with out pesticides and they are so nice, they are in their 60's and they adopted a little boy about 15 years ago)
* garlic bread (the bread is the only thing I did not make however, I did make the garlic butter)
* Ribs (cooked for 5 hours, and yes I did the ribs girls can BBQ)

When you make everything from scratch this kind of crap takes all day. Yet, I do not mind, I like to entertain. What I do mind is when it RAINS ON MY DINNER PARTY.

Billy had it looking so pretty out side he went and bought a bunch of tiki torches, pulled weeds, lit my trees and cleaned up the back yard. Around 7:00 the food started coming outside, I lit the candles (citronella lots of bugs here), 7:15 RAIN RAIN RAIN!!!!!!!!

So my beautiful back yard dinner party was moved inside and was not as pretty as my back yard dinner party. RATS!!!!

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