Sunday, June 28, 2009


Today Billy, Abe, and Bernie took a family picture. Went to Dothan had lunch. Then around 3:00 the day fell apart with a little screaming. Oh well the day started off good!!!

Friday, June 26, 2009


Do not tell the Pediatrician that Abe had his first "food" this evening. Did I mention Abe loved his peas, however I have a feeling we will have to strip him down and feed him in a diaper!!! The question is were there more peas on Abe and his Gram than Abe's tum tum.

Monday, June 22, 2009


Sorry I know I say it over and over and it may get old, but Abe is the cutest baby in the world. This is Abe at the beach he lasted about 30 minutes at the pool.
By the way bring your Muffy with you to the pool she will follow you around with an umbrella so your baby (that has on 70 sunscreen) will not get burnt.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


So I am loosing my built in baby sitter (Muffy) tomorrow. What is a girl to do with out a baby sitter!!! These are the times when I wish I lived close to the rents so I could have a baby sitter whenever needed.
So Abe this week it is me and you buddy!!!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


Waxing is great, it removes hair and you do not have to shave for weeks. But what about when you have to let that hair grow out 1/4 inch to wax. Well, that is my armpit right now trying to reach that 1/4th of inch....sorry I know it is gross especially when I ware a tank top!!! Sorry friends and family just don't look until next week by then i will be hair free!!!!

Monday, June 1, 2009

Billy and Abe

Abe went to bed at 9 last night and woke at 7:30!!!! Yeah Abe.